Legacy Leaders

Become a Legacy Leader

You love animals – their compassion and loyalty – and you know how important it is to support the animals without homes or families. With thoughtful gift planning, you can continue to make a difference for the animals at SafeHaven Humane Society.

At SafeHaven, we know pets are important to your family. We know that ensuring they are cared for after you pass is important to your peace of mind. SafeHaven is committed to doing what’s best for your pet and ultimately finding them a home.

Get Started

For more information on including us in your estate, contact your estate planner or attorney. We would also be glad to discuss a planned gift with you without obligation by contacting:

Katie Storm
[email protected]

Ways to Leave Your Legacy

Options include bequests, retirement accounts, life insurance and more!

Create a Will

Create a meaningful legacy of care and compassion for pets for generations to come with FreeWill. It’s 100% free to you, and most people finish in 20 minutes or less.

Create a Will

Plan My Beneficiaries

Want to set SafeHaven Humane Society as a beneficiary? Thanks to FreeWill, you can easily plan beneficiaries for your non-probate assets in one place.

Plan Beneficiaries

Already Made a Gift?

Let SafeHaven know here so we can understand your wishes. We want to thank you for making our mission a part of your legacy.

Report Your Gift

If you are considering becoming a SafeHaven Legacy Leader, the essential information you will want to give your attorney is as follows:

Name: SafeHaven Humane Society
Address: 32220 Old Hwy 34, Tangent, OR 97389
Phone Number: 541-928-2789
Tax ID Number: 93-067-6661

Friends For Life

We hope you’ll consider becoming a member of our Legacy Leaders program. In doing so, you become eligible to participate in our Friends for Life Program, which provides lifetime care for your pets if you predecease them. Additionally, we will be honored to list your name on our Legacy Leaders donor wall at the shelter (unless you wish to remain anonymous).

Please download our Statement of Testamentary Provision, complete as much or as little of the information as you feel comfortable with, and return it to SafeHaven Humane Society at the address above. While this form is not required or legally binding, it helps us to plan and to understand how you’d like to be recognized.