Mikey’s Story

August 19, 2020

Meet Mikey!

This beautiful boy came to SafeHaven with his litter mates when he was just 3 months old. Months later, this sweet pup was waiting for his forever family. Growing up in the shelter can be very hard on some pups and Mikey became nervous and shut down with all the loud noises and new people. He came come off scared and shy making finding adopters hard. However, the staff got to see through the fear to the wonderful pup he was. Mikey became a favorite at the shelter and we were all waiting impatiently for this amazing friend to find his forever place.

After 9 months at the shelter, some amazing people came along and saw the magic in Mikey; he was finally going home!

We were thrilled to get the update from his loving family:

Hello Everyone,

Thank you very much for all the love and care for the sweetest Mikey. It is hard to believe that it took this long for him to join in our forever family together. We were waiting for him. He is an amazing loving buddy. We feel very lucky to have him in our family. Many thanks for your love and all that you did for him!

Mikey’s life in his forever home in Portland is filled with fun daily activities. He has people and many doggie buddies visiting him throughout each day. His best friend, Pirate, lives four blocks away. They are inseparable. Seeing each other and playing together is their favorite part of the day. His other best buddy, Evie, lives a block away. She was over yesterday for playdate. It is always a blast chasing each other around the yard. It is tough decision to choose which part of the day is the best: playdate, mealtime, treats, car rides, etc…

In the short amount of time so far with us, Mikey’s top favorite actives are the beach, Mt. Tabor, playing with Pirate, and car rides. The first couple of car rides, we carried him into the car. Since then he has been looking forward to all the opportunities for car rides. He is a fast learner. Hard to believe that he loves hopping into the car.

There are few things that we are working on together as a team. Mikey is smart and a quick learner. It took him no time before he learned to love going into the car and not needing a crate. We adore him. The neighbors love him as well. He is the perfect running buddy. All of his doggie buddies in the neighborhood cannot get enough playing with him. Please know that Mikey is living life to the fullest with endless love.

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