Resources for Foster Caregivers:
We’ve compiled a list of resources for you to use to learn everything you need to know about fostering. We want you to feel confident, armed with knowledge, and supported throughout the process.
If you have any questions or are concerned that your foster animal is experiencing an emergency, please reach out to a foster care coordinator for assistance. The resources listed below are meant as tools, but it is very important NOT to self-diagnose or treat a foster animal without the direction of SafeHaven’s veterinary and foster care teams.
- For questions, general information, and emergencies during business hours:
Email [email protected] or call (541) 928-2789 ext. 106
- After-Hours Emergencies: SafeHaven does NOT have an after-hours or on-call veterinarian and is not able to provide medical care between the hours of 5pm-7:30am. Please see the Foster Pet Emergency Info Sheet for more information on after-hours emergencies.
- Foster Pet Emergency Info Sheet
Overviews & Manuals
Setting up the Space
- Cleaning and Disinfection in Foster Homes
- Preventing the Spread of Disease in Foster Homes
- Guidelines for Using Bleach
- Setting Up
- Planning for Foster Kittens
- The photo HERE shows an example of room setup for foster kittens. This should be used with older kittens or cats who are eating on their own. Bottle fed kittens need a smaller, confined space that can be kept warm at all times, such as a plastic tub or covered cat carrier.
- All unnecessary items (toilet paper) and décor (rugs, etc.) have been removed for easy disinfection and minimal presence of fomites (objects that can transmit disease)
- Litter box and food/water are not right next to each other – cats and kittens generally like to keep their eating and eliminating spaces separate.
- Always ensure the toilet seat lid is down. A toilet is a drowning risk for kittens.
- Hiding box and additional bed provided.
- This space has a door and is very functional for keeping foster cats and kittens isolated from other owned pets.
- Even if your bathroom is small, it’s still bigger than a kennel and is easy to clean.
Bottle Feeding and Care
Stimulating Kittens to Pee and Poop
Cleaning Kittens
Health Assessment
Sick Kitten and Puppy Tips
Behavior Help
Marketing Foster Pets for Adoption